By Laws
Section 1. Admission of Members – Persons may be received into membership by any of the following methods, subject in each case to the unanimous vote of those members present.
A. By Baptism – The Church having heard the salvation experience of the candidate and being satisfied with that experience, votes to receive him/her into full fellowship of the church after his/her baptism..
B. By Letter – The Church having heard the salvation experience of the candidate and being satisfied with the same, vote to receive him/her into fell fellowship after the receiving of his/her letter of transfer from a sister Church of like faith and order. If the letter of transfer is to be requested from a church that has questionable practices or is unfamiliar to the Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist Church, action shall be delayed until a committee consisting of the pastor and /or three (3) members shall investigate the church in question and report back to the Sulphur Fork Baptist Church at the next regular business meeting.
C. By Christian Experience – The Church having heard the salvation experience of the candidate, being a member of another Baptist church of like faith and practice, who has been baptized by an authorized Baptist preacher, and is in good accord with the doctrine and practice of this fellowship, and cannot for sufficient reason present a letter from that previous church, may be received upon statement of Christian experience .
D. By Restoration – Any person having lost their membership through discipline of Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist Church, for any reason, may be restored to full membership upon a unanimous vote of the church.
Section 2. Moral Requirements of Members – Moral requirements for acceptance of new members and continued membership in good standing include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Sexual Conduct – Human sexual conduct as defined in scripture is faithful, lifelong heterosexual union for married persons and committed celibate behavior for unmarried persons. All sexual relations outside these God defined boundaries are sin and, as such, are offensive to God and are destructive of individuals, of family, of community, and of the fellowship of believers. Therefore any person who endorses, celebrates, or affirms unrepentant adultery, fornication and/or gay, lesbian or bisexual behavior is choosing not to agree with the policies and practices of this church. Such action will be deemed to indicate that person’s desire not to be affiliated with the Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist Church and is sufficient grounds for denial of membership or disciplinary action by Exclusion
Section 3. Dismissal Of Members – Persons may be dismissed from membership by any of the following methods:
A. Death – The name is thus no longer counted on the records of the church as a member.
B. By Letter – any member in good standing may receive a letter of dismissal and recommendation to another Baptist church by vote of this church, when the other church requests such in writing.
C. By Exclusion – Should any member become an offense to the church and its good name by reason of un-Christian conduct, or by the persistent breach of his or her covenant vows, the church may terminate that membership. Such action shall be taken only after faithful efforts have been made to bring about repentance and amendment.
The scriptural Officers of this church shall be Pastor and Deacons , who shall be chosen by the Church by private ballot. (Absentee Ballots will be from members who meet the qualification listed in Article III, Section3).
Pastor – The pastor shall have charge of the spiritual welfare of the church and earnestly strive to establish her members in the faith. He shall be and ex-officio member of all board and committees and may call any board or committee together at anytime. He may call the church together for special business. He shall act as moderator at all church meetings. In his absence the first order of business would be to elect a temporary moderator, with a deacon or elder of the church filling that position until such election takes place.
Deacons – It shall be the duty of the deacons to have supervision of the temporal interests of Church. It is the duty of the deacons to visit the sick, and to prepare and distribute the elements of the Lords Supper; to co-operate to make such appropriations as they can for the needs of the poor and for the preaching of the Gospel to a perishing world.
Section 1 – Election of Pastor and Deacons
1) Pastor of the church shall be elected to serve for one (1) year, but may be elected year to year.
2) The relation between pastor and the church may be dissolved at the option of either by giving thirty days notice or otherwise by mutual consent.
3) The call to pastor issues from the church as a body. By a majority vote, the church can have a pastor call at anytime. By a three-fourths (3/4) vote the Church can give an existing pastor his notice.
4) In the election of a pastor, notice of such elections should be given from the pulpit at least two (2) Sundays preceding the election,. Election of a pastor will require Three- fourths (3/4) majority vote.
5) The Deacons of this church shall be chosen to serve an unlimited term of service. The relationship to continue so long as there is mutual satisfaction.
6) By majority vote the church as a body may call for a vote of dismissal of a Deacon. Then by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote he may be dismissed.
7) In the election of a deacon, notice of such elections shall be given from the pulpit for at least two (2) Sundays preceding the election. Election of a deacon requires a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote.
Section 2 – Election of Other Officers
The clerk and treasurer and all other servants of the church shall be elected to serve one (1) year, but may be elected year to year.
Clerk – It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep a record of the proceedings of the church and he/she shall have charge of all document, papers , and letters except as other wise provided for He/She shall issue letters of correspondence shall go through the Clerk unless otherwise specified.
Treasurer – The Church treasurer shall receive all money of the Church. He or she shall keep account of church funds. He/She shall pay all church bills as instructed to do at the monthly meetings. A complete report of the Church funds and disbursements shall be given at each monthly meeting.
Trustees -The trustees shall have care of the Church property, But shall not have power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any such property without the specific vote of the Church authorizing such action. They shall be responsible for the up keep of any church property.
Section 1 Business
A. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the vote shall be considered as those members “present and voting”.
B. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the affirmative vote of the majority (50% plus 1) of eligible voters casting votes at any stated meeting shall be required to constitute the favorable action of the Church on any matter of business.
Section 2 Qualified Voters
Any member in good standing shall be eligible to vote at business meetings and electionprovided they have attended at least one (1) service since the last regularly scheduled business meeting, unless providentially hindered. If a members qualifications are challenged, it shall be done at the meeting where voting is required and it shall be done so prior to casting of ballots. When a voters qualifications are challenged, the issues shall be laid before the other voting members present and he or she shall not be permitted to vote until approved by a majority vote of those unchallenged qualified members present.
Section 3 Voting of Moderator
The moderator shall have no vote except the church be equal divided; or the vote taken by private ballot. Neither shall he make a speech without filling the chair with another member.
A member in good standing shall be one who is not currently under any disciplinary action from the church; whose moral and spiritual life is in substantial agreement with those principles taught through the scriptures. Only members in good standing are eligible to hold offices in this church or its affiliated Sunday School organization.
These by-lays may be amended or revised by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at any regular scheduled meeting of the church, provided a quorum is present and notice of such amendment, stating the proposed change., shall have been given from the pulpit on four (4) consecutive Sundays.
The pastor, deacons and elected or appointed servants of this Church wishing to resign said office or appointment shall do so in a business meeting, or provide a written request, duel signed, to be presented for vote at a business meeting.
This Church shall observe as often as is practical the Lord’s Supper. This Supper shall be a church function restricted to those members in good standing.
The Church shall not give countenance unto any minister or Church organization whose faith and practice does not agree with, support, or approve in general the teachings of the Bible as understood and practiced by this Church.
Section 1. Admission of Members – Persons may be received into membership by any of the following methods, subject in each case to the unanimous vote of those members present.
A. By Baptism – The Church having heard the salvation experience of the candidate and being satisfied with that experience, votes to receive him/her into full fellowship of the church after his/her baptism..
B. By Letter – The Church having heard the salvation experience of the candidate and being satisfied with the same, vote to receive him/her into fell fellowship after the receiving of his/her letter of transfer from a sister Church of like faith and order. If the letter of transfer is to be requested from a church that has questionable practices or is unfamiliar to the Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist Church, action shall be delayed until a committee consisting of the pastor and /or three (3) members shall investigate the church in question and report back to the Sulphur Fork Baptist Church at the next regular business meeting.
C. By Christian Experience – The Church having heard the salvation experience of the candidate, being a member of another Baptist church of like faith and practice, who has been baptized by an authorized Baptist preacher, and is in good accord with the doctrine and practice of this fellowship, and cannot for sufficient reason present a letter from that previous church, may be received upon statement of Christian experience .
D. By Restoration – Any person having lost their membership through discipline of Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist Church, for any reason, may be restored to full membership upon a unanimous vote of the church.
Section 2. Moral Requirements of Members – Moral requirements for acceptance of new members and continued membership in good standing include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Sexual Conduct – Human sexual conduct as defined in scripture is faithful, lifelong heterosexual union for married persons and committed celibate behavior for unmarried persons. All sexual relations outside these God defined boundaries are sin and, as such, are offensive to God and are destructive of individuals, of family, of community, and of the fellowship of believers. Therefore any person who endorses, celebrates, or affirms unrepentant adultery, fornication and/or gay, lesbian or bisexual behavior is choosing not to agree with the policies and practices of this church. Such action will be deemed to indicate that person’s desire not to be affiliated with the Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist Church and is sufficient grounds for denial of membership or disciplinary action by Exclusion
Section 3. Dismissal Of Members – Persons may be dismissed from membership by any of the following methods:
A. Death – The name is thus no longer counted on the records of the church as a member.
B. By Letter – any member in good standing may receive a letter of dismissal and recommendation to another Baptist church by vote of this church, when the other church requests such in writing.
C. By Exclusion – Should any member become an offense to the church and its good name by reason of un-Christian conduct, or by the persistent breach of his or her covenant vows, the church may terminate that membership. Such action shall be taken only after faithful efforts have been made to bring about repentance and amendment.
The scriptural Officers of this church shall be Pastor and Deacons , who shall be chosen by the Church by private ballot. (Absentee Ballots will be from members who meet the qualification listed in Article III, Section3).
Pastor – The pastor shall have charge of the spiritual welfare of the church and earnestly strive to establish her members in the faith. He shall be and ex-officio member of all board and committees and may call any board or committee together at anytime. He may call the church together for special business. He shall act as moderator at all church meetings. In his absence the first order of business would be to elect a temporary moderator, with a deacon or elder of the church filling that position until such election takes place.
Deacons – It shall be the duty of the deacons to have supervision of the temporal interests of Church. It is the duty of the deacons to visit the sick, and to prepare and distribute the elements of the Lords Supper; to co-operate to make such appropriations as they can for the needs of the poor and for the preaching of the Gospel to a perishing world.
Section 1 – Election of Pastor and Deacons
1) Pastor of the church shall be elected to serve for one (1) year, but may be elected year to year.
2) The relation between pastor and the church may be dissolved at the option of either by giving thirty days notice or otherwise by mutual consent.
3) The call to pastor issues from the church as a body. By a majority vote, the church can have a pastor call at anytime. By a three-fourths (3/4) vote the Church can give an existing pastor his notice.
4) In the election of a pastor, notice of such elections should be given from the pulpit at least two (2) Sundays preceding the election,. Election of a pastor will require Three- fourths (3/4) majority vote.
5) The Deacons of this church shall be chosen to serve an unlimited term of service. The relationship to continue so long as there is mutual satisfaction.
6) By majority vote the church as a body may call for a vote of dismissal of a Deacon. Then by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote he may be dismissed.
7) In the election of a deacon, notice of such elections shall be given from the pulpit for at least two (2) Sundays preceding the election. Election of a deacon requires a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote.
Section 2 – Election of Other Officers
The clerk and treasurer and all other servants of the church shall be elected to serve one (1) year, but may be elected year to year.
Clerk – It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep a record of the proceedings of the church and he/she shall have charge of all document, papers , and letters except as other wise provided for He/She shall issue letters of correspondence shall go through the Clerk unless otherwise specified.
Treasurer – The Church treasurer shall receive all money of the Church. He or she shall keep account of church funds. He/She shall pay all church bills as instructed to do at the monthly meetings. A complete report of the Church funds and disbursements shall be given at each monthly meeting.
Trustees -The trustees shall have care of the Church property, But shall not have power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any such property without the specific vote of the Church authorizing such action. They shall be responsible for the up keep of any church property.
Section 1 Business
A. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the vote shall be considered as those members “present and voting”.
B. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the affirmative vote of the majority (50% plus 1) of eligible voters casting votes at any stated meeting shall be required to constitute the favorable action of the Church on any matter of business.
Section 2 Qualified Voters
Any member in good standing shall be eligible to vote at business meetings and electionprovided they have attended at least one (1) service since the last regularly scheduled business meeting, unless providentially hindered. If a members qualifications are challenged, it shall be done at the meeting where voting is required and it shall be done so prior to casting of ballots. When a voters qualifications are challenged, the issues shall be laid before the other voting members present and he or she shall not be permitted to vote until approved by a majority vote of those unchallenged qualified members present.
Section 3 Voting of Moderator
The moderator shall have no vote except the church be equal divided; or the vote taken by private ballot. Neither shall he make a speech without filling the chair with another member.
A member in good standing shall be one who is not currently under any disciplinary action from the church; whose moral and spiritual life is in substantial agreement with those principles taught through the scriptures. Only members in good standing are eligible to hold offices in this church or its affiliated Sunday School organization.
These by-lays may be amended or revised by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at any regular scheduled meeting of the church, provided a quorum is present and notice of such amendment, stating the proposed change., shall have been given from the pulpit on four (4) consecutive Sundays.
The pastor, deacons and elected or appointed servants of this Church wishing to resign said office or appointment shall do so in a business meeting, or provide a written request, duel signed, to be presented for vote at a business meeting.
This Church shall observe as often as is practical the Lord’s Supper. This Supper shall be a church function restricted to those members in good standing.
The Church shall not give countenance unto any minister or Church organization whose faith and practice does not agree with, support, or approve in general the teachings of the Bible as understood and practiced by this Church.