Rules of Decorum
- This Church shall have a regular meeting day monthly on the second Sunday of each month for the transaction of business. The moderator may call a special meeting at any time the welfare of the church declares it.
- No other business shall be transacted at a special session except that specified in the call
- The pastor shall be moderator by virtue of his office and it shall be his duty to preserve order, to purpose questions, and to announce decisions.
- The majority shall rule in all matters of business except as otherwise specified in the bylaws.
- No business shall be transacted without a quorum of ten (10) members.
- The moderator shall be governed by parliamentary law in all matters of business.
- The Order of Business shall be:
- Call to order with Prayer or Devotional
- Reading of minutes of last meeting
- Financial Reports
- Correspondence
- Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- In cases involving the reception or restoration of members and granting letters of dismissal to a sister church, a unanimous vote of members present is necessary. In case of objection, the objecting member or members shall be heard and the differences adjusted and settled before the reception, restoration, or dismissal shall take place. Abstention votes shall be considered as a negative vote.
- If any member refuses to submit to the will or the vote of the majority of the Church, he or she shows contempt for the Church and such act unless repented of, will constitute an offense worthy of exclusion.
- No member shall be excluded from the body without some member having first preferred charges against him or her and such charges shall be recorded in the records of the church.
- Only members in good standing shall be granted letters of dismissal for the purpose of uniting with a sister Church of like faith and practice.
- When a member of this Church has been granted a letter to unite with a Sister Church of like faith and practice, they shall be under the watch care of this Church and for any act or deed their letter me be recalled and such member dealt with according to the wisdom of the church until such time as they have been received by the designated Sister Church until such time as they have been received by the designated Sister Church.